Contact Us
New Patients
We offer convenient telemedicine appointments for new patients, along with in-office new patient visits. If you would like to become a new patient, please fill out our New Patient Registration electronically below.
Existing Patients
If you are a current Wiseman Family Practice patient, please contact us through your secure Patient Portal or the Healow app on your phone.
Other Inquiries
For all other inquiries, please use the secure form below.
*By using this form to communicate with Wiseman Family Practice (WFP), the information will be transferred over the Internet. WFP uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption in order to secure the information you send to us over the Internet. There may be times when we cannot respond to your request in email format and another method of communication will be used. For your privacy, please consider the information you include, and who, besides you, may have access to your email account.
Our Clinics
We have multiple locations, for your convenience, and have added our Telemedicine services to all of Texas. To schedule an appointment, please contact the clinic of your choice.